Click the Image Below for Intake forms for New Pregnant Patients
Click the Image Below for Intake forms for Kids and Babies
Click the Image Below For Intake forms for Adults
Family-Centered Care from Newborn to Ninety and Beyond
As your Family Chiropractors in Dawson Creek and Chetwynd, we can start you out on your best path toward health when we know your whole health history. These forms help us get to know a little bit about you before you even walk in the door.
To make your first visit to our office easier, please choose the appropriate intake forms from the choices above. You can fill the forms out on your computer and email them to us at (if you're visiting our Dawson Creek Office) or (if you're visiting our Chetwynd location) or print them out and fill them in by hand. Please fill out the forms as completely as possible to help us get to know you and start helping you be at your best as soon as possible.